About Us

Direct marketing is starting to become the number one choice for a lot of brands to promote their brand. There are many reasons for this, the main one being low risk and high reward. One to one interactions has proven to work time and time again and is one of the oldest forms of advertising. Visionary Advertising realises even with the influx of modern technology advancements, there will always be a need to humanize a brand and have the option for customers to talk to a person (not a computer) about quarries or any issues they may have.

Visionary Advertising have the vision that in the future direct marketing will be incorporated in every single brands marketing mix. Direct marketing has diversified some what with technology. There are still ways to get your customers attention through other methods other then physical face to face direct contact. Skype is a perfect example of this, moving the face to face client – customer meeting into a different realm. Now clients can interact with customers in different countries with out having to leave their desk. We belive it wont belong before clients will be face-timing their customers and replacing the good old fashion phone call.

Only time will tell what will be possible in the future, all we know is that Visionary Advertising will be part of the evolution.

The marketing mix comprises of various promotional activities. All of which need to be thought out in detail and implemented timelessly to achieve maximum results. There are many forms of advertising and before a brand decides on what to use, the following needs to be decided:

Goals: How many customers is enough? How many customers can you handle and still maintain a good customer service standard? How many customers can your company handle over what period of time?

Time line: most advertising methods have a start and end date. The main reason for this is that if you run the same advertising campaign for an extended period of time, your customer base could become desensitized to your efforts and get bored. Can you imagine if Coca-Cola had the same promotional activities and advertising campaign since inception in 1904.

Budget: This will fluctuate depending on what is happening with company and if anything has changed with their product strategy. There is normally a set amount that your brand will spend each quarter, however if there is a product strategy change and your company has started selling an additional service, then it worth spending a little more to let your customers know.

Visionary Advertising sits down with our potential clients and discuss all the above to make sure we can deliver exactly what they are expecting, within budget and time constraints.

Press releases

Visionary Advertising’s Managing Director Jets Off to Networking...

Attending networking conferences is always good for business, but when it’s a conference that is as highly regarded as the one which Visionary... read more

01.05.2014 • By Visionary Advertsising
